The Teacher Registration Board of the Northern Territory (TRB) is responsible for information sessions and professional learning to support applicants, principals and mentors in making informed decisions when considering applying for certification and throughout the certification process.
HALT Information Sessions
One hour HALT information sessions will be held for all prospective applicants, principals and mentors. The purpose of these sessions is to provide face to face information around the certification process and to answer any questions that may arise as a result.
These sessions are for applicants wishing to submit a full certification application.
These workshops are helpful for principals and mentors to better understand the process in order to coach and mentor applicants within their schools, and to promote certification within their schools.
HALT Workshops
The HALT professional learning days are for applicants who have submitted an online application and who may have previously attended the HALT information sessions. A full day workshop will provide a more focused outline of stage 1 and stage 2. The days have a focus on:
- Valid and authentic evidence collection
- Clear annotations and portfolio development
- Developing a deeper understanding of the Standards at each career stage.
HALT Renewal Information Workshops
These workshops are for certified teachers who will be undertaking the renewal process. The workshops outline the requirements for the renewal submission. These workshops maybe conducted by different means of media such as Microsoft Teams or where viable face-to-face sessions.
Page last updated: 28 January 2025