This section is under construction please check back in late January/early February.
Credible Processes
Certification is credible when assessments of teacher performance are based on rigorous, valid, reliable, fair and transparent measures and processes. The evaluation of teacher practice is based on consistent application and moderation of these processes by nationally trained assessors and multiple methods/sources of evidence. Consistency of judgments will be maintained across the diverse contexts where teachers work so that context does not disadvantage any applicant.
Assessor Training Program
The Teacher Registration Board of the Northern Territory is responsible for the appointment and training of assessors using the national certification assessor training program. This program uses a blended learning model of three online modules and 2 face-to-face workshops. The online modules of the program are available on the AITSL website.
The program provides the skills and knowledge necessary for prospective assessors to fulfill the role of certification assessor as outlined in the Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers in Australia.
Page last updated: 1 November 2022