The Board consists of 12 members nominated by various government and non-government organisations in the education sector, outlined in section 7 of the Teacher Registration (Northern Territory) Act 2004. This ensures that the Board represent a breadth of knowledge and experience from the education sector. Additionally, it is intentionally composed for diversity in gender, geographical locations, and cultural identities. As positions on the Board are statutory in nature, members are bound to exercise their duties independently, without acting on behalf of the organisation which nominated them.
Meet the Board
Joe Hewett
s7(1)(a) Person nominated by the Chief Executive Officer
Shepherdson College
Board Term Expiry: 10 October 2026
Roseanna Brunker
s7(1)(b)(i) Teacher nominated by the Australian Education Union NT Branch (AEUNT) (Remote)
Assistant Principal
Gunbalanya School
Board Term Expiry: 10 October 2028
Gordon Canning
s7(1)(b)(ii) Teacher nominated by the Australian Education Union NT Branch (AEU NT)
Nakara Primary School
Board Term Expiry: 10 October 2026
Greg Hauser
s7(1)(c) Indigenous teacher at a government school nominated by the Chief Executive Officer
Nightcliff Primary School
Board Term Expiry: 10 October 2028
Joanne Alford
s7(1)(d) Teacher nominated by the Northern Territory Principals’ Association (NTPA)
Centralian Senior College
Board Term Expiry: 10 October 2028
Rachel Boyce
s7(1)(e) Educator nominated by the Association of Independent Schools of the NT (AISNT
Deputy Director
Board Term Expiry: 10 October 2028
Cassandra Holland
s7(1)(f) Teacher nominated by the Independent Education Union- QLD & NT Branch (IEUQLDNT)
Learning Area Coordinator of Arts and Design, Good Shephard Lutheran College
Board Term Expiry: 10 October 2028
Shane Donohue
Deputy Chair of the Boards7(1)(g) Educator nominated by the Catholic Education Office (CEO)
Principal Consultant (Catholic Education Office), and
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
s7(1)(h) Educator nominated by Charles Darwin University (CDU)
Evelyn Schaber
s7(1)(i) Educator nominated by the Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education (BIITE)
Senior Lecturer
Batchelor Institute
Board Term Expiry: 10 October 2026
Lorraine Hodgson
Chair of the Boards7(1)(k) Teacher nominated by the Professional Teachers’ Association of the Northern Territory (PTANT)
Previous Principal
Board Term Expiry: 10 October 2026
s7(1)(j) Person nominated by the Northern Territory Council of Government School Organisations (NTCOGSO)
Page last updated: 13 December 2024